資料來源 : DIY Water Tank Pump Replacement
Nov 3rd, 2010 by 木老老
家用抽水馬達在台灣很常見, 但用久了, 或曝在日曬風雨下銹壞了, 甚至是出國旅行久一點, 就罷工了. 因為抽水馬達不貴, 修理反而不值, 網拍上全新的才台幣二千多元. 若您有點電工知識, 又喜歡動動手, 則換新的不用30分鐘. 本文教您如何自己來做. 請點選這裡下載回去慢慢閱讀.
A water tank pump is very commonly seen in a Taiwan household. When it’s getting old, becomes rusty after subjected to the weather elements, or even after you traveling out of the country for a longer period of time, it can simply quit on you. The good news is, a brand new pump is cheap, you can get one at about $US80, so it doesn’t even worth repairing. If you are handy and know some electricity, you can DIY replacing a new one in 30min. The article will teach you how to do just that. Please click HERE to download.
資料來源 : http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/h0931666512/article?mid=1339&next=1331&l=f&fid=23
修抽水馬達軸封漏水 感謝 國蘭&茶花-謝小榮園藝世界