為何234時沒賣 ? 192.5時只會超孬的抱怨 , 害怕 , 卻不知道這才是加碼的大好機會!!
Why didn't it sell at 234?
When it comes to stock investment, an important principle is not to makeimpulsive decisions based on short-term price fluctuations.
If you remain optimistic about thelong-term prospects of Hon Hai, then a short-term decline may present a buying opportunity.
If youare pessimistic about the company's future prospects, or cannot bear the risk of a stock pricedecline then selling may be an option.
Furthermore, some analysts believe that Hon Hai's fundamentals are solid.
In addion to its involvement in iPhone and the electric vehicle sector, it also features popular Al themes. Its performance in its original business areas is not bad, dividend payouts are also decent.
Therefore, a significant drop may actually be a good time to buy.
Theanalyst suggests that those already holding Hon Hai shares need not rush to sell, while thoselooking to buy can wait for a better entry point as the stock price continues to fall.
It is advisable toconsider staggered purchases, especially when there is favorable news support.
Evaluate personalinvestment goals, and for long-term holding, maintain patience, focus on the company'sfundamentals and industry trends rather than short-term stock price fluctuations.