資料來源 : 奇摩知識 , 感謝所有大大的分享
把水喝完、把書包放好、把棉被或睡袋鋪好、把棉被或睡袋收好(折好) 等等
8am/ Good morning, we are going to have fun today!
Leave your backpack and jacket in your cubby(小朋友各自的置物格), and then come to join us.
9am/ Come on, everybody, it’s the circle time.(圍成圓圈坐下來, 老師教學時間)
Today we are going to learn ABC/numbers/how to sing this song.
10:30 am/ it’s snack time, line up, let’s wash our hands.
Do you like to go to the restroom? Don’t forget to wash your hands.
Do you need help in the restroom? OK, you go first; I will be there in a minute.
Here is your cereal/cookie and milk/juice/water.
Finish your water/snack/meal now, see, everybody is waiting for you in the play ground(室外遊戲區).
12:30noon/ its nap time, get your pillow and blanket ready.
You can’t sleep? Just close you eyes and try?
Still can’t sleep? Fine, you may sit up, let me get you a book to read, but you have to be quiet.
2pm/ its wake up time, put your blanket away, let’s start the fun again.
4pm/ Lets’ play outside for a while….don’t run /You are going to be nice to each other/you have to share/You will take
5pm/ your mom/dad is here! Go get your stuff, don’t forget to show your mom the beautiful picture you did today.
Don’t forget your homework, it’s due tomorrow/Friday/next Monday.
Bye, see you tomorrow/see you next week/have a nice weekend.
參考資料 US 25 yrs, I have kids
2008-08-06 09:03:23 補充
美國老師不能用命令語氣, 所以
孩子坐正 please sit down , please sit up a little, please sit straight a little, thank you.
字寫好You did a very good job...and I think you can do better.
(棉被) a quilt with cotton wadd
Quilt → thick covering for a bed, made of cloth padded with soft material (看描述似乎頗像中國人的棉被)
Covers → bedclothes (bedclothes 不是床單嗎?)
Comforter → a thick cover for a bed (這不是 quilt 嗎?一樣嗎?)
Blanket → thick woollen covering used, esp on beds, for keeping people warm (這不是毯子嗎?)
Comforter 就是我們熟知的棉被或棉被芯(有時候要另外買被套,有時候有附),這是梅西百貨的網站。
Blanket 毯子,多半是毛的,去住旅館常常有的那種,旅館為了整齊起見,鋪的時候會把它四角塞到床墊下。
Fitted Sheet 有鬆緊帶的床單,比較好包。
Flat Sheet 平單,沒有鬆緊帶的床單,鋪的時候要買夾子在床墊下固定比較好,常常可拿來當 Top Sheet,放在Fitted Sheet和毯子之間
Quilt 拼花被,用小碎布縫起來的被子,通常有夾一層薄棉,是美國西部拓荒時代的產物,象徵美國婦女的勤儉。
Covers/ bedspread/ bedcovers 床罩,這個只是用來罩床,好看用的。蓋起來不舒服,用的時候蓋在Top Sheet和毯子的上面。
Duvet 這個我不會翻,但是百貨公司裡常有賣。是一種薄被,比較好洗,有些人家裡用這個放在棉被上,就不再用Top Sheet加床罩
Throw 小毯子,通常不是 full size 的,用來放在沙發上或臨時使用保暖的。
pull / pull on 蓋(棉被)
ex. Brrr... It's really freezing in here. Pull your blanket higher and don't just leave your neck naked in the cold air.
tug in(蓋好遮蓋物舒服的窩好準備睡覺)
ex. Can you give me ten minutes? I have to tug my kid in...she might want a story or something.
cover sb. with the blanket (用棉被蓋起來)
ex. My sister always covers herself with a blanket when we play hide-and-seek. Silly girl.